March 01, 2013

MARCH! finally spring arrived. couldnt wait any longer. i jumped around my flat, half naked... yes i am wearing a bandeau bra... listening to lovely music and making some fresh orange juice! afterwards i had an amazing salad.... what a perfect day! next monday my new job is starting.... there are so many things i am giggling about right now. life is good to me. i also thought about sharing more nice things... of course there is music, but i am also a huge quote-lover. so i will share some quoutes i like with you.. of course only from time to time, because i never know what i am going to find :)

“You’re going to discover that conversations are best at 4 am. The heavier the eyelids, the sincerer the words. Those are the talks you’ll remember. It’s ok not to know the answer and silence is not awkward. It’s shared, so share it more often than not.”
— Jeff Stuckel


  1. wie schnell deine haare gewachsen sind der wahnsinn :o
    aber sehr schöne bilder

  2. ja das stimmt! kann irgendwie niemand so recht glauben :)
